Kayneisha Holloway, a Columbus native, has always found refuge in her art. She grew up in King-Lincoln and Bronzeville until the age of 11 when it was redeveloped and her family was moved to the east side of Columbus. During this difficult period in her life, she found art. She quickly began filling books with her sketches and in a three-year period, filled 10 sketchbooks. All of her homework including math and science was turned in, in a sketchbook.
Her love for art was as undeniable as her talent. She, and others around her, quickly realized this was the path she was meant to walk. Throughout high school she studied art and languages. She decided to study interior design and architecture with a clear focus- that through her art she can influence her community for the better.
Because of her extensive background in art, switching to design was no easy feat. It wasn’t until after she graduated that design seemed to finally click. Throughout her struggles she continued to seek refuge in her art and immersing herself into what brings her inspiration.

This year, on top of graduating from CCAD, she has painted seven murals and assisted with two, giving her a running total of 9 murals in the last two years. She has been highly involved with CFA by designing the CFA HQ,, painting the mural inside our HQ, modeling for photoshoots and advising in her expertise areas.
When asked “Why Columbus?” she responded with a resounding “Why not Columbus?”. Columbus has taken and given her so much and in her 22 years of life, has seen the art scene rise and fall. Right now it’s on the rise and being a part of the growth is exhilarating.